About Think Illinois

          Think Illinois is an idea I came up with after I grew tired of the negative stories that were coming out in the media about our public officials. It occurred to me that nobody was paying attention to the good things our legislators were doing; the only thing the media seemed to report on was the hard-nosed, scandalous, sensationalistic stories.  Afterall, was I to believe that all Illinois politics is and represents are backroom deals and pay-to-play antics? It was during the Chicago Mayoral election that I decided I had enough of the mainstream media’s interpretation of what an Illinois/Chicago legislator looked like.

         I grew up in politics; in fact I have a relative in the state senate. As a child, I remember going to rallies and learning what it meant to stand for something that was bigger than myself.   My uncles taught me that if something wasn’t right that it was my obligation to do whatever I had to do to make it right; and now I’m making my stand. I reject the notion that all Illinois politicians are corrupt. I reject the notion that to succeed in Illinois politics, one must compromise a piece of themselves and sell the soul of each constituent they serve. A journalist friend of mine told me that my efforts are fruitless, and that my “fluffy, feel good stories” will soon turn into jaded, sarcastic points of view that everyone inevitably adopts; I reject that mode of thinking as well.

         I refuse to believe all legislators are in politics solely to inflate their egos, get rich, or satisfy an inferiority complex.  I believe the people who are in politics merely for their own interests and agenda will slowly fade away, and replaced by men and women of honor and integrity. I am not the only one who feels this way, if I were, there wouldn’t be a need to expose the liars, thieves and swindlers that dwell within politics. I however, will take a different approach to the problem. What you will not find here are posts about legislators under indictment; you will not read about those who have wronged the voters of this great state.   What you will read within this blog are the many stories of generosity, kindness, and humanity that has long been ignored for far too long.  My intent is to expose the good and exploit the honorable; but most of all, shine a spotlight on the good side of politics, a side I feel has only received a candle’s worth of exposure.

I dedicate this blog to the righteous men and women of reform.

Thank you,

Al Cordero

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