I never said I wasn’t going to be sarcastic…..

     In between researching the next public figure who is making a positive impact on the communities they serve, I felt it was necessary to shed a light on a common problem with politics today; some voters just don’t have a clue.  As shown by many videos on the web, it is obvious that some youth in America today are in no hurry to get educated on what it means to have the power of the vote.  Granted, some of the videos show a small sampling from rather large crowds, however, these videos show how clueless and carefree some new voters are when it comes to knowing the issues.

     It saddens, but amuses me that the ranks of the clueless voter are swelling to almost pandemic proportions.  It amuses me because most of the people in the video are college students and yet they have no idea who Joe Biden is, how many senators, or even how many states there are.  It doesn’t matter what party you belong to, the clueless know no political affiliation; in fact, I’m willing to bet we would see the same number dumb voters across all political ideologies.  Hell, I’d be willing to bet that the pundits “responsible” for informing the voters on issues don’t have a clue either.  This gives me an idea……

     Wow, and here I thought the media had my best interest at heart.  It appears the youth of our great country are at a severe disadvantage if they continue to rely on the mainstream media for their news. Whether you are Democrat, Republican, Green Party, or alien, information is your friend. An informed society is a powerful society, so get out there and get some power!

     Although I think it’s important to show the good things our politicians are doing, I think it’s equally important to show that the voters are not really doing their job. Voters continue to rely on who has the most signs in the neighborhood, who has the most money in their campaign funds, or who has the most high-profile endorsements; this in the end is not how one should base their vote, rather they should find out firsthand who has the best ideas and solutions to problems that most affect the area in which they vote.

Remember, friends don’t let friends vote stupid…..

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